This poetry video and text have been created as a part of the Interactive Poetry -course at Aalto University during spring 2021. Written and produced by Kirsi-Marja Moberg.
Writings & Podcast
Mythical Memes for Homonormative Post-Queer Times
This interactive art work and text have been created as a part of the Interactive Poetry -course at Aalto University during spring 2021. Written and created by Federico Simeoni.
The Spaces of Immersion and Kinetic Fixing – How the Text Immerses the Reader
Space: imagine the internet as a three-dimensional space that we look into through our small computer terminals. A space that is reflected on the screen as surface: the tiny black imprints and the light oases. Imagine that there’s also something in-between, as there are atoms bonding with each other in-between molecules, as there are atomic nucleus and the electrons in-between. A hollow, crackly space. It is not strange, that you can move there. And it is not strange that green audio visual trees grow there and that the branches touch each other.